You people have great stuff and the price part compare to others crazyspects price is less, I searched online over one week, and finally I got to know crezyspects has best product and best price, I have purchased two anaglyph glasses, Thanks to you guys giving best to me.
Dharan Karthika, Varkala, Kerala
I am very much delighted about your product and service. The last order is for one UK guest.....Feb 20, 2016.
Thanks for your prompt delivery. They are happy with your product and service.......February 24, 2016.
Somnath Sen, Kolkata
This guys are really crazy! I've selected around 5 pairs of sunglasses and told them to show me. They've send me around 15 pairs and I've collected 4 pairs inspite of one. Hearing that they've offered me a special discount instantly which was not expected for me. Thanks for everything.